Yakiniku/Korean BBQ/焼き肉

We had some more BBQ today, but it was Korean BBQ.


I remember the first time I went to Korea. After checking in at the hotel, we entered the elevator on our way to our room. The aroma in the elevator from other guests was very garlicky. However, by the second day in Korea, we failed to notice the aroma. In case you care, I love garlic!Yes, we ate a lot of garlic in Korea. But we also ate a lot of vegetables. Japanese food is healthy and contains a lot of vegetables. However, while in Korea I could notice a difference in my health’s condition within a day or two because of the diet in Korea. I don’t really care why I felt good, but I’ll be happy with the fact that Korean food is healthy and delicious. (I live in Japan and love Japanese food and mean no disrespect for my love of Japanese food.)One of the foods many people will eat in Korea is yakiniku or Korean BBQ. There are various types of meats one can eat and in my experience all were delicious.Tonight we had yakiniku at our house. Usually we use a hot plate and cook the food inside the house. Tonight however I cooked the meat on the BBQ outside and we ate inside.The meat was first marinated, then BBQ’ed. We used lettuce leaves and perilla (えごま) leaves. The BBQ’ed meat was placed inside the leaf, then some kimchi was added, then a piece of garlic and then (sometimes) some Korean miso. The whole thing was wrapped up then eaten. In this manner, you eat a lot of vegetables with each piece of meat.One of the nice things about the Korean BBQ is that after eating, although you’ve filled you stomach it is not heavy. Everyone enjoyed the BBQ and was able to partake in some of the dessert for today, freshly made banana bread.

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