On the menu: Quiche

Today’s dinner is quiche.


I was crying for an hour last night. I wasn’t sad and nothing bad happened. It’s just that I was cooking onions for about 90 minutes.

Lately we’ve received onions from a few different people who’ve grown them and shared them with friends. We had lots and lots of onions, so last night I decided to cook some of them and save them for the future. That way, when we need cooked onions, I can just pull them out of the freezer, plop them in the pan and away we go.

After chopping the onions (I’m guessing about 4-5 litres or so) I cooked them down according to this recipe.

It took a long time to cook down because the onions were fresh and had a lot of water. When finished they looked and smelled great. I left them in the pan over night (this cooking took place at 11 PM last night).

This morning I made some onion dip using the onions, and froze a few packages of onions. The rest were mixed with some balsamic vinegar and used in one of the quiches.

The three quiches for today’s dinner include: ham, chees and parsley for quiche number one. Dried sausage, cheese and swiss chard for quiche number two. Onions with balsamic vinegar, cheese, and rosemary for quiche number three.

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