Looking Good

I cleaned up the wood stove today.


It took me a while to get it done, but now that it is all over, I'm glad and impressed.

On my holiday this year, I picked up some goods for our wood stove. One of the items I couldn't find was a gasket for the glass in the door. Last year I'd put on a gasket that wasn't the proper size, and didn't fit well, which meant that air was leaking into the wood stove, creating carbon on the glass, and making it look not nice. I vowed to fix it for this year.

As mentioned, I couldn't find the gasket while on vacation. In early September, I searched and found a company in the US that would/could ship items to Japan. Thus began my journey. In a series of emails and late night phone calls (to deal with the time difference) over a one month period, I was finally able to have the company ship the item to me. In this day and age, when international business seems to be done effortlessly by most involved, there still exists those that are not up to speed. Misplaced emails, misdirections, and confusion seemed to reign the day where wood stove products were concerned.

Yes, I hear what you're suggesting. I could have used a company here to get the product for me. It would have taken roughly the same amount of time, and cost me double or triple the price.

But, it's over. The gasket replacement went fairly smoothly. After that, I applied a wood stove polish paste that impressed me greatly. Doesn't it just shine? It looks almost new again!!

Bring on the cold. We're ready.

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