Damn you, BBC.

I made samosas this week.


I've been following the BBC stories about India and its food culture recently. It's been very interesting to read about.Unfortunately, weak people like myself can quickly become overcome with a desire to cook and/or eat the food that's being discussed in this series of stories.So it was with last week's story about samosas in India.After reading the story, I planned samosas as one of the upcoming week's menu items, made sure we had the necessary ingredients, and then earlier this week I set about trying to make them.I cut corners by using large wonton wrappers instead of making the dough, knowing that I was going to be busy this week.Due to my shortcut and lack of skill, I wasn't able to get the proper shape of the samosa. Also, I decided to bake the samosas to cut down on calories.But even after all that, they were delicious. It was a vegetarian dinner that filled everyone and was enjoyed by all.Thanks, BBC.

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