Today's cooking class.

Here’s what we did at today’s cooking lesson.


Today’s menu wasn’t exactly diet fare, but considering the fact that we rarely eat like this, I have no qualms about today’s lunch.

From the bottom to the top, here’s what we had.

First of all we had potatoes dauphinoise. This was thinly sliced potatoes and onions cooked with cream, cheese, anchovies and some herbs. It was finished under our oven’s grill which doesn’t heat evenly, but it was browned all over (not burned) and was nice and bubbly. The anchovies melt into the sauce and helps to give it a deep flavour.

Going up, next we had mustard chicken. The chicken was cooked with 2 types of mustard, white wine, garlic, onions and some herbs. After the chicken was cooked, it was sliced, the sauce was thickened and finally the sauce was poured over the chicken. This dish has a beautiful smell from the herbs and mustard, and by browning the chicken first the dish picks up a light golden colour and extra flavours. My kids generally do not eat mustard but that did not stop them from devouring this dish when I made it.

Next, we had some greens fried with some oil and garlic and finished with a bit of lemon juice. The students added a dash of hot pepper sauce while the greens were frying, adding an extra tingle of flavour to the dish.

Finally we enjoyed some of the no-knead sourdough bread that I baked earlier today. The crumb was moist and soft, while the crust was crisp and crunchy. It was useful for cleaning up bits of the sauces from the potatoes and the chicken.

Just a simple, little lunch. Not. But, it was simple. Each dish was not difficult to make. And little? Well, it was more than enough for the 5 of us dining, but it wasn’t overdone. There were a few leftovers and there was lots to eat. And lunch? Why not. When I’m at home for lunch I never eat this way, but when I’ve gone out to a restaurant I’ve had similar lunches. Lunches just as good as we had today? No, I don’t think so.

Thanks once again to the students who did a great job cooking, chatting and cleaning (the 3 C’s?). Till next time.

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