More Christmas Cookies

More cookies? OK by me.


I promised to make some more Christmas cookies with one of my daughters today. We were discussing 3 different types of cookies and in the end decided to make something that wouldn’t require us to go out and buy any more ingredients. These chocolate meringue cookies are made with simple ingredients and have a fantastic taste. An added plus, these cookies are low in fat. So, while not entirely healthy, they are not that unhealthy.

The making part went pretty smooth. But once we got to the pastry bag, some small bits of chocolate became stuck in the opening and the meringue would not come out. We then tried plastic bags, with a corner snipped off, but in the end we decided to just drop spoonfuls onto the baking sheet.

The end result? Well, you can see it above. These cookies don’t look as pretty as we would’ve liked. But the taste is first rate. The outside is dry and crunchy and the inside is moist and chewy. The chocolatey-ness is strong. Yummy, yummy for your tummy!

Much sampling occurred while making these cookies and clean-up also necessitated eating the odd blob of meringue. Such a tough job! I’m sure Santa will want to sample a few of these when he visits later in the month, washed down with some cold milk. How does that sound for you?

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