Fresh bread!

The smell of fresh bread in the house is great!


I often bake bread and sometimes I use the “no-knead” method. Lately I came across another version of the “no-knead” recipe that is really easy. Really easy.

The only downside, if there is one is that it takes time. A lot of time. Days, in fact. If you plan it out though, it makes for an easy way to have good bread. Each loaf is small enough to finish in 2 days, yet enough for 4 people. With a regular pattern of making the bread, you can be eating one loaf while another is slowly getting ready. Then, whenever you finish the first loaf you can start baking the second.

The bread is made in the refrigerator. When you start making the bread, you mix all of the ingredients in a bowl, cover and put in the refrigerator. No kneading. When you’re ready for bread, take it out of the refrigerator, let if warm to room temperature and rise, then bake.

And last? Enjoy. The smells, colours, and especially the taste. Fresh bread is not something that should be a luxury. With this method, it isn’t a luxury. It’s a way of life. Good food (and healthy) = good life. You deserve it.

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