7 boxes of Christmas Decorations

We pulled out the Christmas boxes today. It’s time to decorate the place.


Well, it’s the end of November and I feel that now is the time to start decorating our house for Christmas.

I know some places like to start the Christmas decorations just after Halloween, but for me November isn’t the Christmas month.

The weekend is here so I decided to pull out the Christmas boxes. I was surprised to find how many we had. Over the years I’ve lived in Japan, my family has collected Christmas goods that we made, bought, were sent from overseas or we received from friends here in Japan.

Our items include 2 big Christmas trees, several wreaths, numerous lights, a huge assortment of ornaments, and a variety of other goods.

While I would like to show some of the decorated house to you, my main focus today was getting the boxes out and starting the decorating. As this day winds down, I have put up the outside lights, numerous wreaths, and set up the Christmas trees. Those trees do not have lights or any decorations yet, but that’s what tomorrow’s for, eh?

Good cheer is in my heart. I offer you warm wishes. Let the holidays begin.

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