There is a Season

Spring is upon us, so I've started to plant some seeds.


As the song goes, 'there is a season, turn, turn, turn'. The phrase may not be known to some of you, but for some of the more aware individuals, you'll recognize The Mamas and the Papas.Well, it's warming up here and so I decided to plant some seeds today. I'm only planting beans and peas for now. I find that if I plant them a little closer to summer, they start growing and then slowly die off.Last year I had more beans grow on one vine after summer was finishing than I had all summer. I wouldn't think that it's too hot here, but there is something that prevents me from growing them in summer.We still haven't cleared all the hurdles and entered fully into spring. There will still be some chilly nights, though nothing below zero (fingers crossed). I'm always amazed that cherry blossom season can begin here, yet there will still be many a night when we must keep using our wood stove to keep warm at night.Suddenly, the weather will change in April and it will go quickly from warm to hot. But when exactly that will happen is anyone's guess.I hope we can get a nice little crop of beans before the heat hits. It's 'bean' nice sharing this with you.

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