Good morning, summer!

Lately, this is how I wake up in the mornings.


Morning in summer. The sun rises early. It can be uncomfortably warm. It can be noisy.

Cicadas are up and about, and they are making noise. What do they sound like? Try this link. I recommend you set your volume to maximum to get the true effect. My point being that cicadas are very noisy individuals.

Once up, the cicada problem doesn’t end. Talking to individuals can be very difficult due to extraneous noise from cicadas. Listening to music or TV can be difficult due to cicadas. Trying to concentrate can be difficult due to cicadas.

The little/big guys are only around for a short time so I can’t get too mad at them. They are also a summer sound, telling your brain, your body that it’s the warm part of the year and for this I’m thankful.

Still, if possible, could you guys/gals wake up a little later in the future. Thanks.

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