Dumping on Dump Trucks

Today I’m going to rant about dump trucks.

Dump Truck

What is up with dump trucks here in Shikoku?

I don’t know how dump trucks move in other parts of Japan, but where I live, they usually drive around in groups.

And that’s a bad thing. Why? Because when many of these trucks go down a road, they tend to go slower than regular traffic and they tend to go in multiple lanes. This means that traffic behind these vehicles slows down.

Let me be clear that I have no complaint with the drivers of these vehicles. I’m sure they are following orders to drive together, and to drive at their given speed limits.

I just wish that these trucks could drive in a random pattern and not as a group. If this was done, traffic could move more freely.

While I’m ranting, I’ll continue with the dump trucks and similar large vehicles. What’s up with pointing the exhaust pipes on the right side of the vehicles? When these trucks move slowly, from behind you can see the dirty air being directed at any vehicles beside them on the right side.

I don’t know if it is better ecologically to have the exhaust pipes higher in the air, or in other places but I do know that if I happen to drive beside one of these vehicles, I must close my windows or suffer the wrath of breathing in dirty, smelly air. Why?

Might I suggest that if those pipes must come out on the right side, please point them downwards towards the road and not straight out at traffic. Again, I do not think that this is the fault of the drivers themselves, but of the people who incorrectly designed these vehicles.

Rant finished, I’m feeling better. I’m crossing my fingers someone with the needed powers will read this post and make the necessary changes. Always

think positively!

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