Christmas Lunch Party

Today was the annual end-of-year / Christmas party with my cooking lesson students.


There was quite a spread today. Minestrone soup, potato salad with a variety of ingredients, freshly baked bread, mashed potatoes and gravy, freshly pickled local olives, and roast lemon chicken.

At our annual end-of-year party, each person makes or brings something for the potluck party. We decide as a group what course we’ll bring so that everyone doesn’t make a salad for the party (not that there’s anything wrong with a salad party).

After lunch, we had coffee/tea and dessert.


First we enjoyed the cheese cake topped with dark cherries. I haven’t had any cheese cake for a while so this was a great treat. And the cherries were still sweet and juicy. But dessert wasn’t finished yet.


We finished our meal with fresh fruits, including kiwis, mangoes, star fruit, feijoa (frozen), apples, and mini bananas. The variety of colours, textures and tastes was a treat for all of our senses and a great finish to the meal.

This was a great time and a great warm-up for our Christmas dinner on the 25th. Thanks to everyone.

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