Happy Spring

Spring has sprung! We welcome you with open arms.


Yes, Spring is here.

The picture above shows some cherry blossoms that I found this weekend while I was visiting Mugi. Everywhere we went you could see cherry trees blossoming. It’s lovely to see the various pink and white blossoms along the roads, in the mountains and in schools and yards.

I’m surprised by how quickly the blossoms came out, seeing as that on Friday morning there were still few blossoms to be seen. Oh sure, the sun (when it was out) was warm, but the wind has been bitterly cold of late, with winter not wanting to disappear quietly.

We cancelled going to a Cherry Blossom party/picnic on the weekend because we were heading back to Mugi for a visit. We missed out on enjoying the sights while eating, drinking and visiting with friends and family. Over the next week we will continue to enjoy the blossoms’ beauty and if they last long enough, we may still have a chance to picnic under the blossoms.

This weekend was also Easter weekend for those who celebrate the occasion. As we were not going to be home for Easter Sunday, our girls did some Easter egg decorating on Friday morning, and then did some quick chocolate Easter egg hunting on Saturday before we left for Mugi. With Muffin being around this year, all the eggs had to be found before he came out of his crate, lest he find and consume the egg/chocolate.

The evenings are still a bit coo and we continue to have the odd fire in the wood stove to drive out the chill from the house. Now that the cherry trees have blossomed I feel that the nights should be warming up pretty soon.

We’re glad to have Spring with all its colours and beauty. Make sure to take a minute to enjoy it while you can.

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