The Grass is Always Greener...

I've been busy trying to get our backyard green again. Or, perhaps I should say trying to get it to be a better green than it was.


What is the saying? The grass is always greener on the other side.Not quite.You see, on the other side of my house (or sides, as it were), there is no grass. None of my neighbors, in fact very few people around here, grow grass in their front or back yards.A lot of people around here like to build their houses as big as possible on their lot, and if there is any leftover space either have gravel or cement cover the remaining area. Not all people mind you, but many, many, many.As for our family, my wife and I envisioned greenery outside of our home and wanted a lawn to be able to enjoy in the summer months.Over the years I've had many problems with our lawn, from neighborhood cats digging up newly planted sod to take care of their toiletry needs, to weeds or insects infesting our lawn.A couple of years ago I finally ditched using the sod sold at home centres because it was a mesh-like product, and that once their were weeds inside it, became impossible to treat unless the entire piece of sod was removed.If sod was out, then it would have to be seed. My lawn from seed seemed to be doing well, yet I noticed different styles of grass growing. As it turns out, there are quite a few grass look-a-likes that I let grow and reproduce, over and over. These con-artists as it were, took over my lawn and this winter I realized that I really didn't have any grass growing. It was weeds.One of the weeds grew as a nice clump of green grass-like plant that would quickly send out seeds to produce more of it. When this clump of weeds was removed, it would leave a big divot in its place.This spring I decided to remove everything that wasn't grass, and that equaled the entire lawn. Luckily I don't have a lawn that is too big. After removing all the weeds, I seeded the area with handfuls of grass seed. At most places I went to for purchasing grass seed, the grass seed was sold in the same size packet that you usually find for planting carrots, or tomatoes, or any other number or garden plants. It's cute, but a tablespoon or so of seeds is nowhere near enough to plant a lawn.Eventually I found slightly larger packets, and together with bags and bags of soil, replanted the lawn.Now, it is slowly coming up green and though there are some weeds, I am trying to be diligent. It will soon be rainy season here in Japan and the lawn should be green and luscious by June. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.You may ask why I didn't use any poisons for the weeds. Well, for one, I would like to get by without adding any more poisons to this earth when possible. Also, we have a dog whose often out in the back yard and I do not wish for him to ingest anything harmful.So there you have it, my green story of my green lawn. I've missed telling this on Green Day here in Japan, but by only one day. May your and my lawn be green and weedless.

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