It's Been (a) Gas !

Today is the last day we will be cooking with a gas range.


This is our gas range in the kitchen.Gas ranges are popular in Japan. Ours is flush with our counter because it was installed when we built the house. Gas ranges can be sunk into the counter or stand atop the counter. In the centre of the controls is a grill, which is often used for grilling fish in Japan, but can be used for grilling anything. The left front gas burner and the grill can be controlled by a timer which will shut off after the allotted time. The left front burner can also be set for cooking a variety of foods indicated on the front control panel, at the left, bottom. Pushing one of these food buttons allows the burner to completely control the cooking process and time, which may mean increasing or decreasing the heat and controlling the time, automatically.Yes, cooking with gas has been good. But, it has also been expensive.When we built our house, the cost of using gas versus electricity for cooking wasn’t a big difference. Gas has always been popular and the new induction heat (IH) ranges were just coming out when we were building. We also thought that it’s better to use more than one type of utility i.e. not to put all of our eggs in one basket.Years later we now have found the gas prices to be too high. Therefore, after a lot of thought, discussion and shopping, we have decided to ditch the gas stove and move to an IH range.How will it work? Will cooking be the same? Will food taste the same? Will cooking be as fun? These and more questions will be answered as time goes on.Stay tuned.

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