Persimmon Chutney

What's a boy to do with lots and lots of persimmons? Why, make chutney, of course!


One of the symbols of fall, here in Naruto, is the presence of persimmons. Back where I lived in Canada, I'd never eaten persimmons. I quickly came to enjoy the new experience of eating persimmons here in Japan.Like a lot of produce, there are times when there is none, and there are times when there is almost too much. We don't own a persimmon tree, but we sometimes buy them at stores and markets to enjoy eating them as is. Sometimes family members will give us persimmons. Other times friends, neighbours, co-workers and/or students will give us persimmons. This means that at times, we have many, many persimmons.Now as it happens, we eat curry from time to time. We also enjoy, sometimes, having some chutney with said curry. Chutney is not very popular here, and while it can be bought, it can be a little expensive. One of the most common chutneys is mango chutney, but we don't have access to lots of mangoes.But we do have persimmons. Lots of them. So, I decided to make up some chutney. I threw in some onion, apple, raisins, spices including coriander and cumin, lemon peel, chopped jalapeños, sugar and vinegar and cooked it all up. It took some to thicken up and for the flavours to meld. In the end, it doesn't look pretty, but it tastes great. It is sweet, sour, and spicy. It will be a perfect accompaniment for curries in the future. Now I should start making some curry!

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