When the world gives you strawberries...

We went strawberry picking today.


This was my first view down the first row of the strawberry hot house I was in today.

We’ve been lucky enough to be invited many times to the strawberry farm of friends of ours for many years now. Each time is amazing.

By this time in the strawberry farm work schedule we’ve been told that these hot houses have reached the end of their main production. Soon the plants will be tilled into the ground and new plants will be planted and the cycle will begin anew. The last of the strawberries are offered to friends and family.

The first smell when the doors of the hot house were opened was strawberry heaven.

After the obligatory initial sampling of the strawberries, we got to work and picked some strawberries. I often never make it to the end of one row before all my containers are full. This year, I took a quick wander down a second and then third row (each house contains 6 rows) to sample strawberries in those places. They’re all good.

We shared some strawberries with friends and neighbours, made jams and pies, and will eat out of hand.

We are thankful.

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