Influenza Vaccination

Last weekend I got my influenza vaccination. I wonder how my experience compares with others.

So, last weekend my wife and I got our annual influenza vaccinations, and afterwards I was wondering how things compared with other places.

We usually go to a local doctor and get the vaccination there. In years past, we went to various doctors, depending on where the vaccination was the cheapest.

After arriving at the doctor's office, we inform the staff that we want to get the flu vaccination.

We're given a clipboard and a form. We fill in our personal information (name, age, address, and so on) and then are asked various questions about our current health. We sign the form and hand it back to the office staff.

When we see the doctor (usually a wait of 5 minutes or so) he confirms what we are there for, takes our temperature and checks our general health. After signing our forms, we go to another room and nurses give us the injection.

Then it's back out to the waiting room, and a few minutes later we are called to the desk and we pay.

This year, the fee was about 4000 yen per person, or about $40 CDN per person.

The whole process is pretty straightforward and easy.

One of the reasons I get the vaccination is because the flu some years can be quite prevalent. As we have many students of all ages, and I'm in contact with so many people all year, it seems like a good idea.

My arm was a little tender for a few days afterward, but now it feels fine, as do I.

How does this experience compare with YOU, wherever you are? Just wondering.

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