Thai Grilled Pork Skewers - Moo Ping

We tried a different type of skewers today - Thai-style.


Japan has yakitori (焼鳥), the delicious grilled skewers of chicken which are so delicious to eat.

Skewered food is found in many cultures. Recently I came across a recipe for Thai skewers of pork that sounded interesting.

Af first, I was looking at the recipe from Milk Street, but eventually I used the recipe at Serious Eats because they were more generous with sharing information. You can find the recipe here:

Tips were given for how to grill the meat, and how to make extra sauces.

The food was simple to make, but had a complexity of flavors. It was thoroughly enjoyed by us.

We made a cucumber salad with Thai flavors, and also a peanut sauce (just because we had made peanut butter earlier in the day and wanted to use some of it).

Get some pork and give this a try. It's easy and you will not be disappointed.

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