Twas the Night Before Christmas

It's December 24th. Merry Christmas, everyone!


(With apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)'Twas the night before Christmas and all through our place,Not a creature was stirring, though they sat in their space.Devices were held so that only they could see,What they typed and swiped, while they blocked out the tree.The rice cooker was set, to make up the white stuffFor the morning repast, there was more than enough.The tree was all trimmed, with ribbons and lights,That warmed up our hearts on these cold winter nights.A plate was set, full of sake and sushi,With hopes that St. Nicholas liked ume boshi.When out on the street there arose such a clatter,I ran to the door to see what was the matter.When what did my wandering eyes beholdBut a stray little cat wth eyes of gold.As I went back inside and decided to sleep,I hoped the rest of the night would not make a peep.While I closed my eyes, and felt sleepiness fallI wished for a good night and Happy Christmas to all!

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