Food for Friends

Here's a little treat for our feathered friends.

We've had a difficult time getting birds to visit our backyard. Not only do we enjoy their beautiful sounds, colours and activity, we also enjoy the ability of birds to help control the amount of insects in our garden.

I've tried various methods over the years to encourage more birds to visit, but our yard design, being enclosed on 3 sides, means birds are scared to enter the area.

Last year, I visited Canada and picked up a block of bird seeds wrapped in netting that could be used for bird feeding.

With winter upon us, it took me a while to find a place to hang this food.

Today, after some simple purchases at the ¥100 store, I was able to hang the food in front of our kitchen window, and provide a place for the birds to perch while eating the food.

Now it's a matter of waiting for the birds. Should you have any extra birds at your house or neighborhood, please direct them here. Thank you.

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