Chris Hadfield

Lately I’ve enjoyed the information being sent from the International Space Station. The sender of that information is Commander Chris Hadfield.


I grew up in Canada at at time when sending people into space was a big thing. My brothers had more smarts as to what was happening, but that didn’t stop me from doing a science project on rockets in elementary school. I can also remember various rocket toys we had to play with over the years.

When I was about 11 years old, my family went on a vacation to Florida, US, and one of the stops we made was at NASA. It was at NASA that we first heard (and watched, as a movie) about the new Space Shuttle program that would carry people out to space as a rocket and then fly back home to Earth as an airplane. It was hard to imagine at the time.

Over the years, my interest in science has remained even if I never entered into that field for work. With the recent addition of Chris Hadfield as the commander of the International Space Station (ISS), my interest in space has once more been re-awakened.

I’ve been following Commander Hadfield on Twittter (@Cmdr_Hadfield) and enjoying not only the day to day reports of what’s happening, but the pictures as well. Click on the link to Commander Hadfield’s account and see what amazing pictures he’s taking.

Chris, keep up the great work! Thank you for teaching us, thank you for inspiring us.

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