Proverb: Many hands make for...

Today was our annual Tacos Party at our English school. A good time was had by all.


Many hands make for lots of flour, everywhere, when they are having fun, making flour tortillas for a Tacos Party.When I came to Japan, Mexican food was one of those things that was really difficult to find in this neck of the woods.Now after many, many years of living in Japan, Mexican food is still hard to come by.Oh, sure, you can find the odd bit of Mexican food here and there, but generally this food type has never really caught on in this part of Japan (and maybe in many parts of Japan).I do my small part of introducing others to this delicious food by hosting an annual Tacos Party for the younger students at our school every spring/summer.I'm happy to report that repeat attendees have become experts at making flour tortillas for the party. But I'm even happier when I announce the upcoming party each year, and knowing students smile, nod their heads and say that tacos are delicious!Ours is a small school, but even introducing a few people every year to new foods and a new culture seems to be a good thing.Hopefully these students will grow up and if they ever happen upon a shop selling tacos, they'll recall their experiences here and a smile will appear on their face (as well as a tummy-rumbling, and the thought that they'd better order some tacos!)Today's party was a busy but happy time, with games played, cooking tried, and food enjoyed. Everyone left with their tummies full, and a smile on their face. You can't ask for more than that.

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