Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Being that it’s Green Day here in Japan, I did something good for the environment.


It’s always nice to be able to do something good for the environment.A little while back I bought a wood splitter to help with my work getting wood for our wood stove.When the splitter arrived it was sitting on a wooden pallet.I’ve been saving that pallet, waiting for some good weather to paint it. Today, that day came.On the ends of the pallet I cut out some holes to make it easier to carry. Once the paint dries tomorrow I’ll add some felt to the bottom so that it won’t scratch the floors.We have a few events where children use the kitchen or dining room table to do some food preparation. Smaller children need something to stand on; in the past, we’ve used chairs.Now, students will be able to stand on this pallet and easily participate in the activities.It’s nice to reuse the pallet. It doesn’t have to be thrown in the garbage and it helps fill a need in our house.

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