The seeds

I got my seeds today. A kilogram of them. Happy, happy.


What seeds? Why, cumin seeds, of course! What were you thinking of?

Cumin is the one spice I go through a lot. A lot! I use it for curries, stews and chilies to name a few dishes. What is different with cumin, compared to other spices is that I usually use a lot at one time. If I buy a small container of cumin at the store, it lasts for only a couple of recipes.

But now, with a kilo of it, I’m good for a while - probably a year or so. I will freeze most of it so that it will last longer. Some will stay whole, and some will be ground in my spice (coffee) grinder. Having lots of cumin allows me to lightly roast the cumin seed in large quantities and then to keep it ready for use. By roasting the cumin seed, the spice has much better smell and flavour which makes your food taste much better.

Spice up your life and buy some cumin in bulk. You will enjoy it.

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