
Feijoa is a delicious, tropical fruit.
Ping-pong. So went our doorbell earlier this evening. My wife answered the door and received a parcel from her mother. And inside what did we find? Many, many feijoas. And they were a bit larger than what we’ve eaten in other years.


The texture of feijoa is similar to a pear in that it is slightly gritty. But the taste is ever so tropical. There are hints of pear, but also lime. It’s sweet, but not really sweet. To eat, we usually cut it in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. And after you finish one, you want another. And on it goes.

We considered getting a feijoa tree for our back yard but as of yet we still don’t have one. For our yard it might be a little too big considering we already have quite a few trees growing. But when you taste that fruit, you really think that maybe, just maybe you should squeeze one of these wonderful trees into your yard. Then, you could enjoy this fruit year after year. Ahhh. Isn’t it nice to dream?

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