Spring Cleaning?

We did some painting today.


This is part of the aftermath. I didn’t expect to be involved so much today. I thought my wife was going to do some painting in a few areas. There are baseboards and door trimmings that we haven’t painted since we built the house (they were already painted with a white primer paint when we installed them. Yes, WE installed them!) I also thought that I would be helping for about an hour at most. WRONG!

I joined in helping my wife painting parts of one room. Soon one of my daughters wanted to help and we off painting in another room. After a while, my other daughter joined in and we were painting in 3 rooms at once. Furniture was being moved, painting tape was being laid down, newspapers were put on the floor and the smell of paint permeated the house.

I’m glad to say we stopped at the first floor! We painted for a few hours today but were able to do quite a lot. If you stop by, you might not notice but certain rooms now are a bit brighter and nicer. Then again, you might notice the odd blob of paint that didn’t go where we wanted it to - on the wall, on the floor, on the tiles. Be nice to us! Someday, we’ll tackle the second floor. As for today, we’re done and it is rest time.

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