I've got a pocket full of...

I did a little foraging yesterday.


Kryptonite? No, but 2 points for recognizing the reference. No, the answer is olives. Olives!I was able to find some olives, and at first all I had was my pockets. Surprisingly, my pockets could hold quite a few olives before I had to head back to my car and find a bag to put them into.I'm happy that I could find some this year because I've been looking here and there all summer and there haven't been very many in our city.Last year was one of those years where the olives were almost non-existent. I found a few around town, but they were at the tops of very tall trees, all but impossible to get access to. I gave up and for the first time in about a decade was unable to pickle any olives for our consumption.Yesterday when I found the olives I knew that I would have preferred to wait a few more weeks for them to ripen more, but with a few typhoons in the area and bad weather forecast for the next 3+ days, I decided to pick the olives and make due with them. In all, I was able to get about 700 grams of olives. Compared to other years, it is very little, but compared to last year, it's a mountain.We should be able to start enjoying them by Christmas time, and then using them occasionally during the year for snacking and cooking.

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