A Weekend Wrap-up

So here’s what’s new in my life over the last couple of days.


Paperwork: I’ve dealt with quite a lot of it lately.

This is one of the things that has kept me busy over the last couple of days. I am preparing for the new university classes I teach which always start in April (here in Japan).

Syllabi must be prepared, class descriptions must be prepared, textbooks readied, and schedule organized.

To this, I add the work done here at our English School which involves a lot of class juggling in the spring. Some students leave due to school demands, others join, others must change the day or time due some other commitment, whether sports, music or cram schools.

It is a crazy time in the spring. Things should be settling soon, though.

We’d planned to get together with friends last weekend on Sunday to have a picnic and enjoy the last of the cherry blossoms, but Saturday we received buckets of rain and typhoon-level winds. Sunday had clearer skies and less wind, but the wind that was present was frightfully cold. Alas, the picnic was cancelled.

We happily were able to get together with our old neighbours on Sunday afternoon at our house for a short visit. As always it was a nice time and we are the better for it.

Sunday also saw me finally fit a wire grid into our tool shed to hang tools on, pick weeds, and trim bushes.

Now that the weekend is finished, I can start to relax a bit. Here’s to the work week!

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