Lovely weather? No.

Look, up there in the sky! Is it a bird? A plane? No, it’s… hail!


Nasty weather. Nasty!

The day started cold, wet and dreary and that’s how it’s continuing during the day. It’s the kind of weather you want to avoid by staying in bed, where it’s warm and comfortable. If only one could get away with taking a day off work or school. But no, that’s not possible. So, out of bed we were, doing our best facing the day.

The rain has continued off and on all day, but this new action, hail (or was it sleet?) was the icing on the cake. The pieces of ice that came down were too big for sleet I think, being the size of peas. The hail came down for about 5 minutes. Not so long, but long enough for me to snap the picture at the top.

The hail has stopped now, and the rain, off and on has washed most of it away. But it’s still cold. And wet. And it doesn’t look like Mr. Sunshine will visit us today. Try to think happy thoughts, try to think happy thoughts. OK, got one. In a few hours, we’ll start a fire in our wood stove. Heat will chase away the chill. The flames will dance their happy dance and splash light around the room. Warm. Happy.

Rain, rain go away, come again another day.

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