Spring Garden - Renewal

Spring is here, so it is time to get the garden ready for summer.


Out with the old, in with the new.

So goes the life of a garden. Today, much to the dismay of the bees and other insects around here, we pulled out our kale, Swiss chard, sorrel, and arugula. They served us well over the winter, and we thank them for their service.

Tonight's dinner made use of them all in one final salad. We've been able to put away in the fridge some cooked Swiss chard stems, and Swiss chard leaves, washed and ready for salads or sandwiches.

The garden beds were dug up, nutrients were added, and some new plants were added today. We'll add some more plants over the next couple of weeks and then let the gardens get to work with their own community.

Though our garden may be small, it serves us well and provides plenty of food over the year, as well as beautiful plants to look at, provide shelter, and smells, and contribute to our well-being. I'm always surprised so many new houses are built and families do NOT put in any space for a garden, however small. It is not only their loss, but ours as well.

We look forward to what our summer garden will provide. Hopefully the insects won't take too much.

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